In The Moment | Jul 21

Ward Spangler and Valerie Jew Present

In The Moment

A Sound Healing and Restorative Yoga Event

An intimate gathering with the healing power of sound, guided restorative yoga poses, and Reiki Featuring Valerie Jew and Ward Spangler

7:30 pm PST | Jul 21

The Q&A will be from 7 – 7:30pm.
The presentation will begin at 7:30pm

Ward Spangler, professional percussionist and long-time yoga practitioner has long been interested in combining music with yoga.  He collaborates with Bay Area yoga instructors to introduce this powerful experience to the public. 

As a healing practitioner, Valerie Jew believes in “any amount for any body.”  She integrates breath awareness, body scans, gentle movements, Reiki, and supported restoratives to create an accessible yoga experience.  She remains active in the community by offering her classes in a variety of settings to diverse populations.

Jim Holton, Videographer
Mary Ann Walsh, Event Coordinator

Click below to enjoy May 6 In The Moment video

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