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We have partnered with Community Thrift Store in the Mission district of San Francisco.  Simply bring your previously-owned items to the Community Thrift Store and say it’s for The Marsh.  When it sells we get the proceeds minus operating expenses. Your stuff gets a second life and The Marsh benefits. It’s a win-win!

Donations are accepted everyday from 10am to 5pm. Community Thrift is located at 623 Valencia Street, between 17th and 18th Streets. There is a convenient donation drop off loading dock located on the south side of the building on Sycamore Alley, parallel to 18th Street and perpendicular to Mission and Valencia Streets. Sycamore runs one way from Mission toward Valencia. CLICK FOR A MAP

For a complete list of donations they DO and DO NOT accept CLICK HERE.  Receipts for tax purposes are available at the donation door at the time of donation.

Community Thrift Store
623 Valencia Street (between 17th & 18th Streets in San Francisco)
Donate Everyday from 10am to 5pm

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