Dezi Gallegos – God Fights the Plague


Written & Performed by Dezi Gallegos
Developed with & Directed by Charlie Varon

June 7 – August 10 2014 | 
San Francisco
Sat 8:30 pm; Sun 7pm

A rabbi who moonlights as a singing drag queen. An Elvis-worshipping witch. The California State Director of American Atheists. A man who found Jesus in the back of a bus…

“God Fights the Plague” is a comic and moving story about a young man who sets out to either find God or, once and for all, deny his existence. For this original documentary theater piece, 18-year-old Dezi Gallegos interviewed individuals from nine different religions and recreates their words, wisdom, and wit onstage. Join him on his journey and hear the questions and convictions that motivate your neighbors to believe in one god, no god, or many gods. Whatever your creed, his performance will rekindle your faith in humanity. “God Fights the Plague” is the story of God and us: the age-old quest to know why we’re here, where we’re going, whether our ship has a captain or if we’re sailing on our own.

Post-Show Talk-Backs and Events

June 14th & 15th: Reb Irwin Keller
June 21st: Deb Cooper
June 29th: Theo St. Francis Benefit Night
July 5th & 6th: Marin Academy weekend
July 12th: Atheist Night
July 13th: Youth In Theater Night
August 2nd: Special Guest: Marlene Winell
August 3rd: Interfaith Night

June 29th: Theo St. Francis Benefit Night: Theo St. Francis was a Marin Academy honors student, captain of the swim team, and a Scholastic All-American swimmer who suffered a severe spinal cord injury while attending a MIT Freshman Pre-Orientation Program in Ocean Engineering. On June 29th, Dezi (a former classmate of Theo’s) is dedicating the performance of God Fights the Plague to Theo, in support of his rehabilitation. An hour before the performance, there will be a reception where the students and parents of ’13 (including Theo and his family) can reunite and reconnect. Following the performance, there will be a talkback with Dezi and Theo. All ticket proceeds above costs will go to Theo and his recovery. Ticket prices for this benefit performance: $250 reserved | $100 reserved | $50 general admission | $20 student price. For regular show ticket prices, see below.

July 12th: Atheist Night: Special Guest Larry Hicok (the California State Director of American Atheists, founder of Atheist Advocates of San Francisco, coordinatior for the East Bay Atheists meetup group, and the Chief Organizer of the Bay Area Atheist/Agnostics/Humanists/Freethinkers/Skeptics meetup group)

July 13th: Youth In Theater Night: Since April 2014, “God Fights the Plague” author Dezi Gallegos has been working with eighteen kids aged 9 to 14 to create an original play called “Hamlet’s Orphans” that explores morality, empathy, and innocence. Though the play is performed by kids, it is intended for adult audiences. On July 13th, Dezi’s students will perform a short scene from their original play. This night will be a celebration of the power of theater when it touches the lives of youth. No one directly involved in the creation of “Hamlet’s Orphans” is over 18, and yet the play will be a professional-quality production, just like “God Fights the Plague.” “Hamlet’s Orphans” opens at the 6th Street Playhouse in Santa Rosa on July 18th.

August 2nd: Dr. Marlene Winell is the author of Leaving the Fold: A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving their Religion Here is an excerpt from her website: “With her ongoing research on the way controlling religions both traumatize individuals and truncate normal human development, [Dr. Winell]… facilitates an online support group and conducts workshops using her book and accompanying educational materials as curriculum for transitioning out of a dependant religious lifestyle and moving ahead with adult development and life skills.” Dr. Winell is portrayed by Dezi Gallegos in “God Fights the Plague.” Here is a link to the video “Introduction to Marlene Winell”:

August 3rd: Interfaith Night: Special guests Michael Pappas, Executive Director of the San Francisco Interfaith Council and Reverend Tommy Dillon, Rector of Saint Aidan’s Episcopal Church.

Artist Biography

At 14, Gallegos co-wrote and assistant directed the award-winning Prop 8 Love Stories, which traveled to NYC for a 2-week off-Broadway run, and was later published. At 16, he penned, directed, and co-starred in the comedy, “Quite Dead” at Cinnabar Theater in Petaluma. Gallegos wrote “God Fights the Plague” at 17, and spent the next year refining and reworking it with writer-director-actor Charlie Varon. Meanwhile, he co-directed “Annie” at Cinnabar Theater with over 50 performers aged 7-17. Currently, Gallegos is working with 18 kids to write an original play that explores morality, empathy, and innocence. The play, “Hamlet’s Orphans,” will premiere at Santa Rosa’s 6th Street Playhouse on July 18th. In Fall 2014, after a year filled with theater, Gallegos will head to Los Angeles, where he will study film at the University of Southern California as a Trustee Scholar.

Press & Media

The SF Chronicle gives an illuminating look at the show:
San Francisco Chronicle story:

A rave from KQED:
“funny and deeply touching.”
KQED review:

Daily Cal says:
“The magnificent interpretation of the 18-year-old is only excelled by the vision”
Daily Cal Review:

Kudos from Talkin’Broadway:
“He has the storytelling chops of a seasoned pro. Get yourself to The Marsh!”
Talkin’Broadway review:

Another recommendation from StarkInsider:
” Gallegos’ intellectual and emotional honesty in grappling with his material is impressive. I’d bring my students to this show in a heartbeat.”
StarkInsider review:

The SF Examiner also urges you to see this “engaging, thoughtful” production:
San Francisco Examiner review: